STEWARDSHIP: Gratitude in Action - Our Way of Life
“The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” Isaiah 50:4
A Lector lends his or her voice to God, becoming His instrument for proclaiming sacred scripture to those assembled for the celebration of Mass and other liturgical services when God’s word is shared.
A Lector becomes a prophet, one who speaks for God, and prepares the way for Him to enter the hearts and minds of His people.
A Lector reads, studies, practices and prays to God for the graces necessary to bring new life and renewed understanding to the printed scripture text. A greater relationship should develop between God and Lector in this growing partnership.
Fifteen hundred years ago, Saint Benedict wrote in his Rule: “They should not presume to read who by mere chance take up the book. . . . Only those are to discharge these duties who can do so to the edification of the hearers.”
Lectors for Saint George Catholic Church are required to attend a formation workshop, regardless of prior experience, and become certified for a prescribed period of time to proclaim sacred scripture to the assemblies. Certifications are renewed periodically.
Those individuals wishing to become Lectors must be in full communion with the Catholic Church.
Additional information regarding this ministry may be obtained by contacting Ruth Ann Pilney: [email protected]